lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

Culture VS Organisational Culture

The best known definition of Culture, putting aside other meanings and interpretations, is the one commonly embraced by a vast number of authors which is: "set of behaviours, beliefs and attitudes that are shared by a group of people" whether it's a country, a city, an organisation or a family.

On the other hand, the term Organisational Culture refers to how those
behaviours, beliefs and attitudes deal with the dayly interaction of employees and the dayly interaction of employees with the environment (the organisation itself), therefore, the organisational culture is related to the mission and objectives within the organisation and strives to facilitate both the fullfillment of the objectives and the relationship among employees. Simply put, organisational culture is generally used as a way of leading an organisation to achieve its goals by sharing those values, beliefs and behaviuors with the employees stablishing an indentity process with the organisation.