jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


I commented on the following blogs:

Diana Rios, Laura De Bedout, Daniel Peña, Juliana Álvarez and Lina Gaviria.

As for the course, it's very interesting, however, some of the topics are highly related to the ones taught in Intercultural Management (Gestión Intercultural). Anyway, I found the course very useful and deep in its contents. Thank you very much!

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010


Despite the vast territories of dense nature in Latinoamerica, according to the ICTSD, countries such as Colombia, Brasil and Venezuela are running out of natural resources, and, worse, they're not giving them a proper use. Deforestation and water contamination and inapropriate use are some of the current problems affecting the population of the mentioned countries, whose alarming passivity toward the issue is not letting them to a positive solution.

However, not everything is that bad, huge companies like Petrobras in Brazil and Notebooks makers in COlombia are joining worldwide campaigs for protecting and preserving the environment, just to mention, joining the CONTREEBUTE campaign is almost compulsory for all the companies that use trees for making paper. As for Petrobras, they're educating the population crating conciousness regarding the importante of the natural resources such as water; moreover the Brazilian Company is reducing the amount of water in its operations and reducing the gas emissions produced withing the procesess.

The population of Latinamerica has to be aware that the climate change is produced not only by the gas emissions of the developed countries, we're guilty as well. If we don't act, we'll regret it for sure...

  • http://noticias.latam.msn.com/


I think it's quite inappropriate nowadays to say sorry to those communities that for decades were discriminated, margined and harassed by several insitutions both private and public.

The idea is that, those social groups have to be educated so they can know what their rights are and how the can claim them, and, more important, there has to be legislations against the actions taken against them, including as mentioned before harassment, discrimination and asassinations.

In my personal opinion, the different social groups coexisting within a specific nation enriches the culture instead of destroying it, if it were up to me, I'd figure out policies so they could be part of the economic activities, not only because they have right to do so, but because it would dynamize the economy and the final outcome would be both parts gaining development.

So, don't wipe them out, don't hide them, as far as I know, they're also civilians with the same rights protected by the same constutution.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010


Is not a secret, once used to represent employees in the European Union institutions, Trade Unions across Europe are dissappearing since early 90's at a weird-dramatic rate.

Once gathered in strong confederations, today's unions are just a memory of what they used to be, according to the statistics, employees members of trade unions across the European Union have decreased, even at the point where, the most densely populated states have the lowest levels of Uniozation.

¿Possible Causes? I'd say, at least IMO, that the current global mergers involving not only countries from the UE is affecting the stability of the unions which have had to fight against the lack of control from the companies when hiring people from abroad. Another possible cause is the opposition to the ongoing erosion of living standards and working conditions within the european companies.

The long-term picture presents an even more devastating picture of how the unions will have prevented the emergence of opposition to corporate management and the government.

  • http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/sep2005/tuc-s20.shtml


Having the Coran wasn't enough. The Islamic community also have a proper banking system.

The known Islamic Banking System refers to a system where the banking activity must be consistent with the principles of the Islamic Law or Sharia and its application through the development of the Islamic Economic Activities.

Unlike the western banking style, this "approach", based on the Islamic Law, prohibits payments and acceptances of interest fees for lending and receiving money respectively, also, it prohibits the investments in businesses that provides goods or services inconsistent with the mentioned 9 principles, shown below.


• The sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of riba.
• Allowing the buyer to pay the bank in installments.
• There are no additional penalties for late payment.
• The goods or land is registered to the name of the buyer from the start of the transaction.
• Islamic banks lend their money to companies by issuing floating rate interest loans.
• The borrower must not bear all the risk/cost of a failure, resulting in a balanced distribution of income and not allowing lender to monopolize the economy.
• Islamic banking is restricted to Islamically acceptable transactions, which exclude those involving alcohol, pork, gambling, etc.
• To engage in only ethical investing, and moral purchasing.

Anyway, this banking system has addapted to the nowadays' needs in the middle east and has grown extremely rapidly within nations with small Islamic communities besides the middle east.

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_banking


As I'm learning Russian, and I've got a few friends in Russia; I really liked the photos shown here!!

Я любить Россия!!
