miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010


I think it's quite inappropriate nowadays to say sorry to those communities that for decades were discriminated, margined and harassed by several insitutions both private and public.

The idea is that, those social groups have to be educated so they can know what their rights are and how the can claim them, and, more important, there has to be legislations against the actions taken against them, including as mentioned before harassment, discrimination and asassinations.

In my personal opinion, the different social groups coexisting within a specific nation enriches the culture instead of destroying it, if it were up to me, I'd figure out policies so they could be part of the economic activities, not only because they have right to do so, but because it would dynamize the economy and the final outcome would be both parts gaining development.

So, don't wipe them out, don't hide them, as far as I know, they're also civilians with the same rights protected by the same constutution.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think sometimes it is appropiate to accept an error because is not only a way of showing honesty and values socially, but also shows the human side in political and business issues. But of course there are moments and reasons why saying no may seem to be the best option.

  2. As I said in my blog, it is not enough to say sorry, it requires actions as well, but I think it is necessary sometimes in order to close a chapter and let things behind.
