lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010


Back in the XIX century, Canada was far from what it's considered today: a great destiny. It was the United States of America the country that would fulfill everyone's expectations; it was not cold, far, and most important, it was not insignificant.

However, a rapid expansion in the economic sectors that boosted the domestic economy demanded people from overseas, people different than the commonly preferred inmigrants (UK's finest and Americans) so they could keep developing using both domestic and overseas workers. Therefore, Canada started to choose who could get in and who couldn't based on skills (as today) and endly this policy led the country to have the highest rate of legal immigrant workers.

Canada today is considered one of the greatest places to live and work. Not only for its policy towards immigrants (which are recieved and treted with respect) but for its job opportunities for people from overseas. It's quite interesting how a well developed policy for atracting immigrants has led the country to have a solid domestic economy, an excellent quiality of life, lots of job opportunities. No matter how difficult it is, Canada is an example of how dealing with migrations might result in benefits for the host country; the rest of the countries should learn from this.

Another fact is that, Canada has managed to maintain the different cultures intact, instead of becoming a melting pot, the multiculturalism is seen everywhere, and more than that, pluralist multiculturalism. Its cultural richness makes also the country attractive for foreigners, which are the ones who bring good (and sometimes bad) things.

Info taken from: The Past and Future of Immigration to Canada, by David Verbeeten

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