lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010


Two decades after the Tiananmen Square Massacre in Beijing, this event still remains a taboo in China.

Censorship by the domestic government has become stronger and toughter than ever reaching newspapers, internet and all kind of media. Chinese press is actually forbbiden to make any statement referring this event. Even the citizens are prevented from making any research on the internet to find out what happened in the Tiananmen Massacre on June the 4th of 1989. Any attempt to find out either on Baidu or Sohu (Chinese search engines) is automatically blocked and the result is the sistem getting reinitialized.

Even if is used for doing the same research, the results found are about Tiananmen Square as a historical place; nothing related to June the 4th. Results related to the event are blocked even in Google, and clicking on them gets the system reinitialized.

Furthermore, if the press wants to make any statement or reference about that date, a special permission from the government is required, otherwise jail and lost of job is the penalty.

Most of protests (specially in the Olympic Games of 2008, that was seen as a way of wiping out the memory of the people) are made from abroad; those who have mentioned any sight of this tragical event in China are in jail and today 31 journalist and 48 cyber-dissidents are currently in prison for "illegaly divulging a state secret abroad". The government is accused by all means for harassing journalists with abusive measures and for not letting exiled journalists to return to China safely.

1 comentario:

  1. Nowadays the people are more focus on economic factors, worried by the crisis, and searching in this countries the opportunity to develop strong strategies to improve the economy.

    Fortunately there are also people who think in the economy and how this is made. Many are the complains for the violation against the Human Rights but it looks that is still more important the economy so...
